gilbert estrada
Feel free to call us at 512-441-4678 or at 512-767-4184 or email us at should you have questions or require additional information.
Bus: 512-441-4678 ;
Cell: 512-767-4184;
video Welcome to Estrada Designs and Productions. Our services include DJ services, web graphics and web design, live audio production video production for taping those memorable event such as weddings, Sweet 15, Anniversary, and special occasions.
At Estrada Designs and Productions, your satisfaction is very important to us so we work hard to design and produce the best product for you. Photography and Photo Editing Services Estrada
Designs and Productions uses digital cameras and various
software programs to edit images taken at your event. As our
client, you will have direct access to the videographer and
Designs and Productions uses various software programs to accommodate both PC and Mac format.